The Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) matches individual need with community resources to improve quality of life for individuals and families.
Through person-centered planning, the ADRC counselors provide options, answers and solutions regarding care, referrals to community resources, and advocacy. ADRC will educate, assist, and guide so that informed decisions are made.
ADRC serves seniors, adults with disabilities, caregivers and health care providers who reside in Jefferson, St. Charles, St. James, and St. John the Baptist Parishes.
Please call us with all your inquiries. If you need information on Medicare, Medicaid or other insurance issues, call us at (504) 207-4690 or, for those caregivers living out of state, call us toll free at (800) 635-1437.
The Aging and Disability Resource Center is the local extension of the statewide Louisiana Answers Network.
Please note the ADRC office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The senior health insurance information program (SHIIP)
SHIIP is a national program offering unbiased one-on-one health insurance counseling. Certified from the Louisiana Department of Insurance and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), our counselors assist beneficiaries with issues concerning: Medicare, Medicaid, eligibility, enrollment, claims, fraud and abuse, appeals and grievances, prescription drug coverage, financial assistance in the “donut hole”, premium subsidies, supplemental insurance, long term care insurance, disability coverage, Affordable Care Act Plans and other insurance options.
The SHIIP staff counsels adults with disabilities, seniors or soon to be seniors in Jefferson, St. Charles, St. James or St. John the Baptist parishes.
SHIIP will help you with questions such as:
I’m retiring. What kind of health insurance do I need?
I can’t make sense of my Medicare statements and medical bills. What do I do next?
I’ve been considering long term care insurance, but is it a good option for me?
Do I need a Medicare supplement policy?
How can I help my parents with health insurance?
The Louisiana SenioRx Program was created in 2003 by the Louisiana Legislature and administered by the Governor’s of Elderly Affairs to provide resources to help seniors in need access and apply for free or low cost prescription medicine.
Eligibility for SenioRx Program participation is limited to residents of the State of Louisiana who meet, at a minimum, the following criteria:
60 years of age or older.
Disabled adult
Gross income that does not exceed 300% of the federal poverty guidelines.
Applicants must not have voluntarily canceled a state or federal prescription drug program or a private prescription reimbursement plan within six (6) months prior to application for enrollment in the SenioRx Program.
The JCOA Louisiana SenioRx Program serves the Jefferson, St. Charles, St. James and St. John the Baptist parishes. Scheduled pharmaceutical assistance activities are planned for each of the parishes in the planning and service area.
Please download the SenioRx Application form, complete, and email to