Jefferson Parish Locations
JCOA’s ten senior centers promote the physical, emotional and economic well-being of older adults to encourage participation in all aspects of community life.
The centers provide social engagement and enrichment activities in addition to being an informational resource for issues regarding aging, caregiver support, wellness and education.
The centers provide a wide variety of activities from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m*. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
The centers offer many social, educational, and health services opportunities for our members. Senior center membership is available to Jefferson parish residents who reside in Jefferson Parish at least six months out of the year and who are 60 years old or more may receive services provided using Older Americans Act (OAA) and state senior center funds. They must provide proof of a Jefferson Parish address. To become a member, just visit any center and complete our intake form. Once membership is established, you can join in on the fun!
*Hours vary at each Senior Center
Activities offered at JCOA’s Senior Centers include (activities vary at each center):
Exercise, wellness, and health promotion education
Dance & music classes
Arts & crafts, ceramic, crochet, & jewelry classes
Annual Veteran Appreciation events
Bingo, board and card games, bunco, bean bag baseball
Computer, Iphone, and language classes
History and topical discussion groups
Pro Bono legal clinics
Field trips to special events and venues around Greater New Orleans
Special holiday programs
Regular monthly celebrations
Eligible seniors can enjoy a hot noontime congregate meal through nutrition services
Transportation available to centers

To access address, news and calendar of activities, click on each center: